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Apply to Become an ICA Fellow!

Congratulations on applying for membership as an ICA Fellow: Your on your way to dementia care excellence.

Thank You for Joining the ICA!

We are excited that you have chosen to become an ICA Fellow. That makes you an active learner--and a far more competent dementia caregiver.  


We are the fastest-growing dementia care organization in the world, and we want you to ADVANTAGE OF OUR INTRODUCTORY OFFER OF 50% DISCOUNT OFF THE  REGULAR MEMBERSHIP DUES OF $29.95, TO $14.95 PER MONTH. OR GET ANNUAL ICA FELLOW FOR $150 AND SAVE ANOTHER $30!

How to Join:
Please take just a few minutes to fill out the form on this page and press submit. Upon receiving your application, and receipt of your first month's dues, you will then begin receiving regular monthly dues and put you on our distribution list for content, updates, and discounted prices for products and services you see on our website.

While you're at it, please use the comments box to tell us something about yourself and how you look to benefit most from your new ICA Membership! We hope you will opt to enroll in one of our TDI course at soonest so you can gain your diploma in a very short time at a steep discount. 

Please see the Join ICA page to learn more about Memberhip benefits, Membership levels and fees.

Questions? Please call us at 460-763-2197 or email us at 

Please submit your personal contact info in the form at right. Then click on the Check Out button to begin your monthly dues of $14.95--a 50% savings from regular ICA Fellow Dues

Please Tell Us Who You Are!